Good local jobs
Building a strong economy
The Cariboo Gold Project will create nearly 500 new, well-paying jobs in the Cariboo Region, contribute millions to the local economy, and revitalize a historic town and its infrastructure. Our existing operations purchase goods from hundreds of local suppliers throughout the region, including numerous suppliers in the City of Quesnel, and this would continue with the Cariboo Gold Project. Our existing operations also provide unique opportunities for training as well as building supplier networks, all of which will benefit the Cariboo Gold Project.

A flourishing tourism industry
Tourism is a key industry in the region, with Wells being the gateway both to Barkerville Historic Town and Park, the largest living-history museum in western North America, and the world-renowned Bowron Lake Provincial Park canoe circuit. Osisko Development will continue making key investments to strengthen the local tourism industry and revitalize the District of Wells. This includes:
Commitment to improving local infrastructure
Purchasing goods and services from tourism-oriented businesses in their low-season
Sponsoring the Friends of Barkerville – Cariboo Goldfields Society in their restoration of the Cariboo Wagon Road
Investment and continued participation on the Wells Community Foundation Board
Enduring Economic Benefits
Lasting Economic Impact
The Cariboo Gold Project will strengthen the BC economy, including over $2.7B in investment and operating expenses over its lifetime, broadening the tax base and contributing to vital infrastructure including schools, roads and hospitals.
Long-term Community Investments
Our approach to long-term social investment supports communities nearest to Cariboo Gold Project sites with donations and sponsorships to organizations, programs, projects, and that can be developed and sustained beyond our operations. Examples include:
Investments in education
Supports for preschool, kindergarten to grade 12, and adult learning (i.e., skills and/or vocational training programs with an emphasis on programs which are of relevance to the mining and metals industry)
Investments in arts, culture, and recreation
Support for visual and performing arts, festivals, libraries, museums, parks and trails development, non-profit recreational clubs, cultural centers, traditional livelihood and/or cultural retention programs
Investments in the environment
Support for local initiatives by responsible and objective environmental organizations, as well as organizations operating local projects supporting biodiversity and habitat conservation.
Social and community investments
Support for community capacity building, community development/enhancement, economic diversification and tourism, access to and quality of health care, emergency response, local safety.

Community Effects Management Plan
As part of the Cariboo Gold Project we will develop a plan to actively monitor and mitigate socio-economic effects of the Project. This plan will be developed in consultation with our Indigenous partners, the Northern Health Authority, Interior Health, the Ministry for Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation, and the District of Wells.